Never Ending Story

The end of 2005 has been marked for me by the suffering, death and funeral of little Iliuta. I have never witnessed so much suffering in such a tiny body. Not only I but all the staff including the doctor have been shaken by the sight of the wounds on that little child. In one year and a half he smiled only once, and that was before he died. Now he is in Heaven and I should be happy but tears still come with the memories of that baby's short and pain-filled life.
I hoped in the new year I would not witness babies suffering so much but, unfortunately the reality is different. Only on Jan 3rd the Neonatal Department was filled with ten abandoned babes with different diseases and, what a shock, one little girl, Lenuta, only four months old is suffering the same disease as Iliuta- Ichtiosis. I know
now what is in store for this child and (though not a nurse) I know what medicines, ointments etc. we must buy for her and what kind of
sleep-suits and Pampers she will need. I know too that this is not a consolation. I am grateful for the tremendous support of Sister Maria and our volunteer "team". They continue to give love and care to the many vulnerable little ones who constantly arriving in our hospital.

We must pray to God to give us the power to keep this mission going
and also thank Him for the privilege of being involved in this mercy

Sister Mary Aloysius